Historical Events Timeline
View the Flash Timeline.Historical Events Web API
This Web API provides historical events extracted from Wikipedia articles like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010.Basic URL is www.vizgr.org/historical-events/search.php?
The following parameters can be used:
begin_date | YYYYMMDD | |
end_date | YYYYMMDD | |
lang | en/de/it/es/pt/ca/id/ro/tr | en |
query | free keyword like EGYPT to be found in the event description | |
format | json/xml | xml |
html | Wikipedia html links in the description; true/false | false |
links | show links from the description separately; true/false | false |
limit | 100 | |
order | asc/desc | asc |
category | only for German and some other languages, see lower for a list of categories | |
granularity | all, year, month | year |
related | finds related events; true/false | false |
Try the following queries:
Number of events
All together 192463 events.German/year: 36883 events from -300/00/00 BC to 2013/12/31
English/year: 37859 events from -300/00/00 BC to 2012/12/31
Italian/year: 13813 events from -300/00/00 BC to 2013/11/03
Spanish/year: 20330 events from -299/00/00 BC to 2013/11/17
Portuguese/year: 7879 events from -292/00/00 BC to 2013/00/00
Catalan/year: 7699 events from -300/00/00 BC to 2013/09/11
Indonesian/year: 2430 events from -300/00/00 BC to 2013/05/10
Romanian/year: 13936 events from -300/00/00 BC to 2013/07/01
Turkish/year: 3572 events from 1/00/00 BC to 2013/05/10
German/month: 9912 events from 2000/00/00 BC to 2012/10/28
English/month: 38150 events from 2000/00/00 BC to 2012/09/23
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